Forays into the world of finance have already tripped up Silicon Valley giants like Apple and Facebook. Now, it seems, it’s Google’s turn. The firm has announced that it plans to begin offering checking accounts next year as part of its so-called “Cache” project, partnering with big-name financial institutions to bring “smart” tech to consumer banking. “If we can help more people do more stuff in a digital way online,” Google executive Caesar Sengupta told the Wall Street Journal Wednesday, “it’s good for the internet and good for us.”
How, exactly, that symbiotic relationship will play out is still murky. Google is partnering with Citigroup and the Stanford Federal Credit Union to launch its “smart checking account” in the coming months in an extension of its Google Pay system. The company’s partners will handle the banking aspect, while Google takes care of the user interface. But, the New York Times reported Wednesday, neither the company nor the banks involved seem to know exactly what features it will have. The company told the Times it hopes to help users “benefit from useful insights and budgeting tools,” but is evidently still working out precisely what that means.
Google, which made headlines earlier this week when it was revealed the company had accessed millions of Americans’ healthcare data as part of its project looking to reshape the industry, is just the latest tech giant reaching its tentacles into the banking sector. Apple entered the arena with the Goldman Sachs-backed Apple Card, which is under investigation in New York over allegations of gender discrimination. (Goldman has said it “has not and will never make decisions based on factors such as gender, race, age, sexual orientation or any other legally prohibited factors when determining credit worthiness.”)
Facebook, meanwhile, has floated plans for its new cryptocurrency, Libra, but Mark Zuckerberg has hit a number of stumbling blocks along the way. For one, lawmakers are deeply concerned about the cryptocurrency, calling for the social media behemoth to halt its project. Partly as a result, key partners like Mastercard and Visa have pulled out of the initiative altogether.
But Google appears undeterred, both by its rivals’ setbacks and by the round of bad press it endured over Project Nightingale. Per the Times, Google’s plan is more modest than that of its rivals, but the lack of specificity in that plan represents its own kind of hubris. All Google knows is that it wants to be in your wallet—even if it doesn’t know exactly what it’ll do for you once it’s there. But as the Journal points out, the companies see such efforts as worth it, a “way to get closer to users and glean valuable data.” That quest for domination in every industry could be off-putting to users, who are already skeptical of turning over personal information to Silicon Valley companies that have proven themselves untrustworthy.
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